16 (07/23) • white • genderqueer demiromantic asexual lesbian • it/he/she/xe/bat

likes cookie run (mainly kingdom), object comics, pokémon, madoka magica, ocs, dungeon meshi

dni bigots, neutral to important issues, mspec lesbians/gays, proshippers


I’m rather socially inept but I’m open to talking to new people, feel free to dm !!! ^_^

Never Love an Anchor

The Crane Wives

warning: may contain yuri (girl x girl)

Quinn’s Strawpage!!!

Birds Dont Sing

TV Girl

La Belle Fleur Sauvage

Lord Huron

If you dislike me for what ever reason, please just block and move on. Trying to be rude or whatever will just make everyone upset for no good reason tbh.